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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 66.5%

A:   147   Joined
B:   74   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Fairmont Class Of 1975 site!

Hopefully this website will make it easier to get in touch and enjoy each other's company.   

You can check out all the classmate's Senior photos by clicking on the "Show Yearbook Photo" box in the Classmate Profile section. 

Above all, enjoy the site and have fun sharing with the rest of us. Thanks for checking in! 




Our sympathies to Kevin Joeckel in the passing of his mother, Carole. We're so sorry for your loss, Kevin. May your memories bring you peace of mind and heart.

I must express my apologies ... I've fallen behind. We have some classmates who could use good thoughts and positive vibes:

  • Jenny (Mahar) Heathcote in the passing of her husband of nearly 50 years
  • Kenny Lundquist in the passing of his mother
  • Barbara (Woodward) Scheppele in the passing of her son-in-law

I know these three classmates would tell you to hold your loved ones extra close tonight. Jenny, Kenny, and Barbara, may you feel the strength and support of all of us, and may you have peace of mind and heart in the days to come.

Also, a message from Kathy (Silker) Strausser for anyone who may be close to Fairmont this August:

"We will be in Fairmont on Aug. 8 - 15th staying at the Flying Goose Campgroud.

All of my Silker siblings, Terry, Susie, Jeff, Neil, Chad and Mike will also be in town as things sit right now.

We will be getting together in Sat. at the campground for Goose Fest.

We figured what a great venue to be together and maybe also catch up with old (time, not age 😂) friends from Fairmont.

If you're interested, grab tickets and plan to come out.

Better yet, call Greg and try and grab a camping spot before they're gone.

I'll post more as it gets closer and also once we know our site number.

We haven't been together as as family since our dad died so we are excited to see each other and you!!"

Our 50th Reunion will be held on July 25-26-27, 2025. Banquet will be Saturday, July 26 in the evening at Best Western (old Holiday Inn) in Fairmont. More details will be shared soon. Save those dates!!